
SmartDigital digitizes critical infrastructure

Transport infrastructure

SmartDigital digitizes critical infrastructure

Power infrastructure

SmartDigital digitizes critical infrastructure

Traffic infrastructure

SmartDigital digitizes critical infrastructure

We digitize assets & services

The digitization of critical infrastructure is the conversion of "analog" data of physical objects, into digital formats - e.g. into a "Digital Twin". This makes the planning and monitoring of construction sites, inventory and condition control of critical infrastructure easier and more efficient. This reduces costs, improves the efficiency and quality of maintenance, and leads to higher employee safety. In addition, digitization enables faster, more informed decisions.

SmartDigital enables companies to optimize their assets through digital transformation so they can operate successfully around the world.

SmartDigital provides detection - selection - analysis & documentation of all data in the enterprise in a single process.


Observation, detection, acquisition, and selection by a wide variety of sensors, imaging techniques, or ERP systems.

Selection and analysis

Artificial Intelligence selects and detects errors, damages, or other anomalies.


The documentation is thorough, traceable and thanks to the unchangeable blockchain entries it can be used as evidential documentation.

Service Delivery Platform ‚As a Service‘

The highly scalable digital ‚end-to-end ‘service delivery platform ARCA analyses, creates, and evaluates a wide variety of data streams
and embeds them within a transparent and tamper-proof system by utilizing the blockchain.



The blockchain serves as a complete, evidential, and legally robust documentation of the services provided. The data is encrypted and only accessible to authorized personnel.

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

ARCA‘s AI learns from images and data to form a new reality. All data is assigned to the respective customer realities (e.g.: road, railway, energy, vegetation, infrastructure, ...). Based on this data ARCA automatically creates all reports.

You can learn more about this topic here:

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Automated IoT trigger

Automated IoT trigger

If ARCA detects deviations from the learned reality, either automated IoT triggers are fired, or ARCA indicates that these deviations are an anomaly because they do not match the learned pattern.



ARCA is highly scalable. It was tested thoroughly by a system that simulated 30,000 simultaneous drone flights in the cloud. Each of these drones sent its fictitious telemetry data (position, flight altitude, speed, ...) to the platform four times a second. ARCA can process up to 117,000 records per second – 420 million records per hour.

You can learn more about this topic here:

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Automated billing system

Automated billing system

The ARCA Blockchain generates time-controlled and fully automated invoices.

Multi-client capability

Multi-client capability

The IT system is capable of managing all clients securely and simultaneously.

Field of application

Images and data can originate from a wide range of sensors (land, sea, air, stationary, ERP systems): The highly scalable service delivery platform ARCA selects, analyses, and documents this data in a tamper-proof blockchain using artificial intelligence in a continuous automated ‚end-to-end ‘process.

Depending on the use-case, SmartDigital also utilizes the UAS - Unmanned Aircraft Systems - services from its subsidiary company EuroDragons.

Critical infrastructure sector

Railways, roads, and streets, critical structures, bridges, tunnels, mining facilities

Energy sector

Overhead power transmission lines, pylon systems, pipelines for oil and gas, wind turbines, power stations, on-shore, and off-shore oil drilling facilities

Agriculture & Forestry

Vegetation Monitoring, environmental changes – climate change, protocols for subventions, protocolling the soil condition, information about infestation by pests, degree of maturity of crops, detection of waste

Industrial sector

Mass production, quality monitoring, quality management

Insurance sector

Assessment of damages, natural disasters, preventive analysis (protective facilities, buildings, industrial plants), cash management, fraud prevention

Governmental organizations

Courts, administration, civil defense & disaster control

Building sector

Industrial plants (oil, gas), road construction, civil engineering, construction of power plants

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