Smart Digital Group Press Corner



Das Team von EuroDragons bei der Übernahme der Langstrecken-Drohne Anavia HT-100 am Anavia Firmensitz in Näfels. Die SmartDigital-Tochter EuroDragons ist Betreiber der SmartDigital-Drohnenflotte zur Überwachung kritischer Infrastruktur mit Hilfe KI-gestützter Datenauswertung. Credit: Anavia

SmartDigital Group expands its drone fleet

SmartDigital Group, an expert in digital transformation in critical infrastructure, is the first Austrian company to expand its drone fleet with an autonomous long-range drone from the Swiss manufacturer Anavia. Under the name of ED-Dragon 01, the high-tech unmanned aircraft system (UAS) Anavia HT-100 was acquired in the Swiss town of Näfels in the canton of Glarus. Anavia HT-100 is characterized by its vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability, especially long flight time, very fast adaptability of the load capacity, and flight capability even in adverse weather.

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Photo ©Uhlenhut Left: Florian Auer, Director of Global Technology and Innovation, Plasser & Theurer Right: Alexander Schuster, CEO, SmartDigital-Gruppe

Digital revolution made in Austria now officially on track

Now it’s official: the high-tech start-up DRUM (Dynamic Rail Utilities Monitoring) has been launched. The Tulln-based company is the result of a joint venture between the SmartDigital Group from Lower Austria, an expert in digital transformation services for critical infrastructure operators, and DRS – Digital Rail Solutions, which is part of the Plasser Group, a global technology leader in the field of track construction machinery. DRUM specialises in the digitalisation of the entire railway infrastructure.

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Airborne Railway Inspection via Drones

Initial Insights In an era where advanced infrastructure management becomes increasingly important, the invaluable potential of aerial data collection comes into focus. But what specific advantages does the use of drones bring to rail operations? How do aerial inspections and data collections enhance safety while also conserving valuable resources? What capabilities does AI-driven data analysis offer? How can the capacity of existing infrastructures be maximized? How can workflows be automated and made more efficient, and how does this contribute to increased occupational safety? This article in the German trade magazine “Der Eisenbahningenieur” provides answers to these and many other pressing questions arising from the latest dynamic developments in the railway sector.

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Michael Kostka


Alexander Obermair

Director of Finance

Authorized Signatory


About SmartDigital Group – Platform Services & UAS Solutions

Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Tulln (Lower Austria), SmartDigital Group is an innovative, Austrian high-tech company specializing in the  digitalization of critical infrastructure such as rail, energy and road. Through a combination of data collection with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS – Unmanned Aircraft System), fusion with other external data sources …

About DRUM | Dynamic Rail Utilities Monitoring GmbH
The digitalization of the railroad system

The Austrian high-tech company DRUM, founded in 2023 and headquartered in Tulln (Lower Austria), specializes in the inspection, inventory and digitalization of the specific and extended track system as well as the critical infrastructure of railroad networks. 
DRUM makes it possible for railroad network operators to digitalize the entire infrastructure …



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